Bedtime stories for Kids - Medicine from Himalayas

Medicine from Himalayas

Shrigupta was a landlord who always worried about the welfare of his subjects. He was never tired of making new plans for ponds or barrages or temples for the benefit of his people, or of festivals for their amusement. If there was a dispute between two groups of people or families, he intervened. The solution he gave was ungrudgingly accepted by the quarreling parties. The king heard the praise of Shrigupta and invited him to the court, in order to honor him. Shrigupta entrusted the burden of his estate to his son, Joygupta. "Perform your duty with diligence," he advised the young man on the eve of his departure. The king was very happy to meet Shrigupta. He passed several hours every day talking to him. Shrigupta helped him in drafting guidelines for the conduct of the other landlords of the kingdom. Shrigupta spent two months in the king's court. Then he requested the king to allow him to return home. They gave him a festive farewell. Shrigupta, upon his return home, saw that Joygupta had performed his duty very well. All the welfare projects were carried on in full swing. Nobody missed Shrigupta. Joygupta continued working with the same vigor even after Shrigupta was back. A few months passed. Joygupta marked that his father looked sick. In spite of Shrigupta's protest, he called several physicians to examine him. All the physicians were of the same opinion: Shrigupta suffered from no ailment.