The Boars And Their Enemies
This happened in a remote past. A villager once brought home a boar cub and nurtured it with great care and love. The cub grew into a robust boar. It followed its master wherever he went. With its sword-like teeth, it scared the village dogs. Cows often snapped their ropes and ran away at its sight. The villager grew apprehensive about its safety, "Someone might kill my pet simply out of jealousy. A village is not a safe place for a boar. I must leave it in its proper place that is forest," thought the villager. Accordingly, he led the boar happy to be in the forest. He ran about freely and gave out jolly cries. He did so far such a long time that he attracted a number of boars. "I greet you all. I intend to live with you. This is indeed a nice place, with a prolific growth of grass, trees, and caves to protect ourselves from rain and sun, and a cool lake to quench our thirst," observed the new-comer. "You are most welcome to live with us if you are willing to share our sorrow," said one of its listeners. "What is your sorrow?" " A tiger that lives on the hill kills one of our tribe every day. The tiger is the friend of a human being who too lives on the hill. They share the meat," replied the boars.
"Is it not rather strange that a single tiger should prove a menace to so many boars? It is because you do not know how to act in unison that you are suffering. I have lived among men. I know how they face a fearful beast when one intrudes into their village. We can follow their example," said the new-comer. He devoted the whole day to teaching his fellow boars a certain discipline. At night they dug a deep pit in front of the hill. As soon as it was morning, they stood in a semi-circle in front of the hill out which the tiger emerged. In front of them stood the newcomer, just on the brink of the pit. Soon the tiger appeared on the hill and looked below. Its face brightened up at the sight of so many boars. But, next moment, it grew a bit curious. Why on earth should so many boars gather before its dwelling? They surely did not do so to make its task of pouncing upon one of them easy! The tiger stretched its limbs. Immediately all the boars did the same. The tiger yawned. The boars also did the same. That not only surprised the tiger but also bred fear in its heart. It took a few backward steps and entered its cave. "What's the matter? Why did you come back so soon, and that too without a prey?" asked the fellow who had struck a friendship with the tiger. The tiger reported to the fellow about the unusual conduct of the boars. "They seem rather impertinent!" he said. "Impertinent? One roar from you and they won't know how to take to their hooves! And, mind you, never retreat, Leap upon one of them and see the fun!" advised the fellow.