A Goose is a Goose
Once upon a time, in a certain city, there was a Kazi. He being the chief judge of the city, was a highly respected man. The Kazi had a wife who was charming as she was intelligent. In fact, she was perfect at everything. She managed the household extremely well and saw to the needs of every member of the family and the servants. Even then she never neglected to look after her husband. She cooked the main dishes for him herself and attended to him while he ate. The Kazi took all the women to be like his wife. Whenever a man brought any accusation against a woman, he decided that the man was on the wrong. Even when a husband came with all the proofs against his wife, the Kazi not only chided the man but also punished him for his audacity in blaming a woman. "How can a woman ever deceive a man?" was the question which he threw at his listeners often. The people of the city began to talk among themselves that no justice can be expected from the Kazi if a case involved a woman. The comment was heard by Kazi's wife too.