The Merchant Meets His Match
Once upon a time there lived in a little hamlet a mother and her son, Mustafa. By and by the woman became old and weak and could no longer work as before. "My son," she said one day, "I've lost my strength and cannot labor anymore. You've grown into a smart young lad. Go out into the world and try to earn your daily bread." So, the next day, Mustafa set out for the neighboring town. He looked for work everywhere and knocked on many doors. But alas, nowhere could he find a job until, finally, he met a very rich merchant who agreed to hire him. Days passed, but the merchant did not assign any work to Mustafa. However, he fed him well and paid him regularly. This seemed rather strange to the boy. "Master," he asked one day, "don't you have any work for me?" "Yes, I do have something important for you. It is very important. You'll accompany me when I go out on business tomorrow," replied the merchant.
The following morning, the merchant ordered Mustafa to get ready with two camels. One of them was to carry six large empty sacks and the hide of a buffalo slaughtered just a few hours ago. The master mounted the other camel and they set out on their journey, Mustafa walking behind the camels. They crossed the vast windy desert and stopped at the foot of a very high mountain. So tall was it and so rough its rocks that it looked impossible to ascend it. Now the merchant asked his servant to unroll the hide and spread it inside out and lie on it. "But why should I do this, Master?" Mustafa asked. "Obey me, or else I'll chop off your head," threatened the merchant, fiddling with the hilt of his sword. So, poor Mustafa did as he was told and lay on the buffalo skin. His master at once rolled the hide into a bundle with the young lad inside it, tied it tightly, and waited there, hiding behind a bush. The buffalo skin was raw and its smell was still very fresh and strong.
This attracted a host of birds of prey. They swooped down on it at lightning speed and carried off the bundle to their nest on the top of the hill. It was soon ripped open but when Mustafa, who till then did not know what was happening, stood up and gave a loud cry, the birds got frightened and flew away. He looked down and saw his master and the two camels. They seemed very tiny indeed. The merchant, sighting him from below, shouted very loudly, "Now just pick up the stones lying there in front of you and throw them down to me." Mustafa found precious stones of many hues strewn all over the place. There were chunks of diamonds, rubies, sapphires, and emeralds sparkling in the sunlight. So, he gathered them and dropped them to his master who began to fill his empty bags. Suddenly, a doubt flashed in his mind. His face turned white with nervousness. "Master, how am I to come down?" he asked in a trembling voice. "First let these sacks be full! Then I'll tell you how to descend," replied the merchant with a sly look. The poor boy, without the least suspicion, continued his work. When the bags were full, the merchant filled his large pockets, too. Then hoisting the sacks onto one of the camels he mounted the other. "Goodbye, boy. Thank you for your service. Now I leave you to your destiny, as I've done to all my previous employees," he said with a laugh as he rode away. Mustafa now realized what a wicked trick the merchant had played on him.