Gentleman Giant
Once there was a rich merchant. He had three daughters. The youngest daughter was so lovely and charming that she was named Beauty. The elder girls were naturally envious of her. They were given to boasting, while the youngest was one quiet and humble in her behavior. Her sisters liked to be seen in the company of the wealthy and would never miss attending their parties. They believed in a life of merrymaking and insisted that they would marry only from among the rich. Beauty was not at all selfish or haughty. A motherless girl as she was, preferred to spend time with her father, at home. When a proposal came for her, she pleaded with her father, "I don't think the time has come for me to get married, father. Let me stay with you all for some more time." But fate willed it otherwise. Suddenly, one day, the merchant found himself to be a pauper. His creditors came and took away everything, except his small farm far away from the town and the small house there. He had no other go than to leave the town and go to the village.
His elder daughters did not like the prospect of leaving the town. "How can we live in a village? All our friends are here, and they'll take care of us." They were mistaken. Who would care for paupers? In fact, in their heart of hearts, the townsfolk did not have any regard for the arrogant girls. Instead, all their admiration was for the youngest one, Beauty. Many came forward to look after her. But she decided to go with her father. Ultimately, the elder girls were persuaded to go to the village where the merchant and his sons worked on their small farm. Beauty helped them as much as she could. In the beginning, she found the work too much tiresome. But as days passed, she got used to everything. Her sisters just lazed around the house. Their father felt sorry for his youngest daughter. He praised her simplicity and modesty and was aggrieved over the arrogance of his eldest daughters. After a year of their life in the village, one day, the merchant received a message that the ship that had carried his merchandise and was believed to have been lost in mid-sea had come back safe. Everybody was overjoyed, especially the two elder girls. As their father got ready to leave for the town, they surrounded him asking for this, that, and many other things. "And what would my lovely little maiden wish for?" She merely shook her head. When her father insisted, she said, "Just a rose!" Her father smiled, understandingly. The merchant reached the town, but he was unable to secure the value of the goods that the ship had taken, and he had to go back empty-handed.
His journey was through a forest. Before he could cross over to the village, the sky became overcast, a heavy downpour followed. He not only lost his way but his horse tripped on the pathway and he was thrown off once or twice. He was hungry and shivering in the cold. He could not find any shelter and walked without knowing where he was going. Suddenly, he saw a light through the thick foliage. Must be a house, he thought, comfortingly. He walked towards the light, which was only receding from his sight. There was no house as he had hoped. At last, he came to a stable where he tied his horse and walked ahead He soon came upon a huge mansion. The door opened when he gave it a push. The fireplace was lit and the table had been laid with several dishes. The merchant sat there, warming himself. He waited for a long time for somebody to turn up, but nobody appeared. By now he could not contain his hunger any longer. So he ate whatever he found on the table. Afterward, he set out to inspect the place. He went into several rooms. There was not a soul in any one of them. Then he reached the bedroom where he found the bed neatly made and so inviting. The moment he lay down, he was fast asleep. He woke up rather late and found, to his surprise, a new pair of trousers, a shirt and coat waiting to be worn. He wondered whether it was not a kind thought of the owner of the mansion. He looked through the window and saw a beautiful garden full of exotic flowers. It was then that he remembered his youngest daughter's wish.